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Useful business links

Useful links to external websites that provide additional information about Business.

HM Revenue & Customs - guidance for business
Working for yourself? Do you have questions about tax, National Insurance, business records and expenses? If so, try the HMRC e-learning course. It takes about 1 ½ hours but breaks down into a number of sections to help you step by step.

Looking for advice? The online tax guide for small businesses can help you quickly find the right information.  Click on a topic for more information.

Business, economy and innovation: Welsh Assembly Government
We work for the people of Wales by stimulating more competitive businesses in vibrant communities.

Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) 
The Department brings together functions from the former Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), including responsibilities for productivity, business relations, energy, competition and consumers, with the Better Regulation Executive (BRE), previously part of the Cabinet Office.

Federation of Small Businesses 
With over 180,000 members, the FSB is the voice of small business.
Welsh Government's online information service for businesses.


Superfast Business Wales 
Has lots of advice on a range of different topics.