The Programme
The Town Centre Regeneration Programme
The Programme will help the towns in Flintshire to adapt successfully and sustainably to a changing world; economically, socially and environmentally.
The priorities for the Programme are to:
- Respond proactively to market interest in town centre investment and will actively seek to encourage investment wherever there are appropriate opportunities;
- Continue to support front line service outlets in town centre locations to enable access to Council (and partner) services whilst also helping to sustain footfall;
- Implement Local Development Plan policies for town centres that enable land use change to be managed to promote sustainability and vitality
- Identify key sites for future redevelopment with an emphasis on diversifying land use to increase sustainability and vitality;
- Start, subject to the availability of capital resources and detailed investigation into commercial viability, to acquire key sites for redevelopment;
- Target vacant or underused properties in town centres for intervention including making full use of Council enforcement powers;
- Support the growth of community asset ownership and community enterprise in town centres;
- Take advantage of potential investment in transport infrastructure by Welsh Government to identify how wider regeneration benefits can be realised in the immediate vicinity;
- Support town centre stakeholder groups to develop and implement action plans for their towns and will undertake County-wide actions to support town centres for example through promotional activity;
- Help businesses to adapt to the changing economic climate;
- Actively seek external funding opportunities to deliver the Programme; and
- Increase the monitoring of town centre vitality.