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Dis-application of TAN1
Published: 18/06/2018
Cabinet will be asked to approve the basis for a robust response to Welsh
Government supporting the dis-application of paragraph 6.2 of Technical Advice
Note 1 (TAN1) when it next meets on Tuesday, 19 June.
The proposal by Welsh Government to dis-apply paragraph 6.2 is fully supported
and Flintshire County Council will press Welsh Government to ensure a wide
ranging and comprehensive review is progressed as soon as possible.
This would reduce the weight attached to the lack of a five year land supply
when considering applications for speculative housing development. This would
go some way to alleviating some of the extreme pressure the Council and its
communities are currently facing in having to accept speculative developments.
Whilst Flintshire is currently one of four Local Planning Authorities (LPAs)
that cannot demonstrate a five year supply as they are without an adopted Local
Development Plan (LDP), of the 21 LPAs who do have an adopted LDP, only six are
able to demonstrate a five year land supply. This clearly shows that having an
adopted LDP does not ‘guarantee’ a five year supply and, more fundamentally,
something is clearly wrong with the current method taken by the TAN1 policy
Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning and Public Protection,
Councillor Christopher Bithell, said:
“Thankfully, the issues and pressures on LPAs and communities created by the
present policy have now been recognised by the Welsh Government. The Council
agrees with, and fully supports, the proposed dis-application but this needs to
happen, not just for the duration of the call for evidence, but until such time
as the outcome of the review is known. This will significantly relieve the
pressure we are currently experiencing to unconditionally accept speculative
development such as the very recent decision to approve the development of 186
units in Penymynydd, made by the Cabinet Secretary. The Council has in the
pipeline and yet to determine, a number speculative applications for a further
1,037 units in various parts of the County.”
This will also enable the Council to maintain its focus on progressing the LDP
which is at a critical stage in terms of preparing a deposit plan, where the
Council must make decisions about allocating sufficient and sustainable sites
to meet the plan’s housing requirement.