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Healthy Schools Award
Published: 23/03/2015
A Flintshire primary school has achieved a prestigious national award
recognising its commitment to promoting health and wellbeing. Ysgol Mynydd Isa
is the fourth school in the county to be awarded the Healthy Schools National
Quality Award.
The National Quality Award is awarded to schools that have achieved the highest
standards of health and well-being. To achieve this award schools will have to
have participated in the scheme for a minimum of nine years, and to have
covered and sustained all the seven health themes set out by Welsh Government.
There are seven health themes, which are:
Food and fitness
The environment
Mental and emotional health and well being
Personal development and relationships
Substance use and misuse
All staff at Ysgol Mynydd Isa are actively involved in the scheme and value the
importance of health and well being for their whole school community.
Head teacher, Mr Richard Collett, said:
As a school, we are delighted and very proud of this national recognition.
The health and well being of all in our school has, and always will be, a
priority for us, A great deal of hard work has gone into achieving this award
and I would like to add my personal thanks to all involved-staff, pupils,
parents and governors.”
Included within the assessment report, the lead assessor, Mrs Gill Waring,
stated that:
“There can be no doubt that Ysgol Mynydd Isa is a healthy school and fully
deserving of its National Quality Award. Health and wellbeing and the healthy
schools concept is fully embedded in the school life and culture. An exemplary
feature identified in the assessment visit was the very high level of
engagement demonstrated by all involved in the life of the school, be they
parents/carers, pupils, governors and of course staff. The value driven culture
of the school shone through and was demonstrated by the care and respect shown
to each other by pupils and staff.”
Presenting the award, the Chair of Flintshire County Council, Cllr Glenys
Diskin, said:
“The National Quality Award requires schools to demonstrate that they are
firmly committed to developing the whole school as a health promoting setting.
Schools that achieve this high level award are considered exemplary, so this
has been a fantastic achievement and I would like to congratulate everyone
Councillor Chris Bithell, Cabinet Member for Education said: “Congratulations
to everyone at the school. The award and recognition for Healthy Schools is
well deserved and the school should be very proud of the achievement.”
8770 - the presentation to infants school pupils at ysgol Mynydd Isa - from L
to R - Cllr Glenys Diskin, Claire Homard (FCC) Claire Broad, Chair of Governors
- Andy Davies, Cllr Chris Bithell, Emma Curtis (Deputy Head - Infants)
8741- the presentation to junior pupils at ysgol Mynydd Isa - from L to R -
Cllr Glenys Diskin, Claire Broad, Sian Salisbury (Deputy Head - Juniors), Chair
of Governors - Andy Davies, Cllr Chris Bithell, Claire Homard (FCC).