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Developer guidance for speculative housing development proposals
Published: 12/06/2015
Planning guidance for developers who are considering submitting proposals for
speculative housing developments has been drawn up by Flintshire County Council.
Like many councils in England and Wales, Flintshire does not have a five year
land supply, as set out by Welsh Government.
One of the main consequences of this is the pressure for speculative housing
development that the Council faces and will continue to face until it adopts a
Local Development Plan, or can demonstrate a five year housing land supply.
Councillor Bernie Attridge, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment,
“This Developer Guidance Note has been produced for developers who are
considering submitting planning applications for land which is not within the
Unitary Development Plan (UDP). It is designed to ensure that developers
provide full justification for their proposal, so that the Council can give the
application appropriate consideration, given that it is an exception to the
development plan. This includes information to show that the proposal is
sustainable, viable and deliverable. The development must still comply with
development plan and national planning policies.”
Full details and the Developer Guidance Note can be found in this month’s
Cabinet agenda at