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Traffic Orders Consultation

Published: 09/10/2015

Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet is to consider a report on the way it consults with the community before introducing traffic calming measures. If the proposals are approved, the authority will utilise the community councils to carry out the consultation process regarding the introduction of traffic calming and road safety measures. The community councils will gather the views of the wider community and liaise with the authority on the agreed best option. Steve Jones, Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) said, This process can be complex and time consuming and in many cases, made it very difficult to satisfy individual resident preferences whilst meeting the council’s statutory duty to reduce accidents on Flintshire’s roads. “Traffic calming measures, are in most cases funded by Welsh Government and have to be completed within the same financial year that funding is granted. Should a situation arise whereby conflicting public support exists, the formal consultation process could delay the implementation of the scheme or in some instances, jeopardise delivery altogether.” To streamline and simplify the public consultation process and ensure funding deadlines are met, it is proposed that in the future the community council in the area will gather and represent the views of local residents. Cllr Bernie Attridge said: “The new proposals will ensure that the community council which represents the local community will take a more active role in deciding the nature of the traffic calming scheme which is to be installed.” The report will be discussed at Cabinet on 13 October.