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Period Proud Flintshire

Since 2019 all Local Authorities in Wales have received funding from Welsh Government, known as the ‘Period Dignity Grant’, to help tackle period poverty across Wales.

Period dignity is about:

  • Respect - removing any stigma and shame around periods.
  • Education - helping people understand that periods are normal and healthy.
  • Equality - making sure everyone has what they need to manage their periods, and no-one faces period poverty.

No-one should be disadvantaged because they have periods. Everyone should have access to period products, as and when they need them - although unfortunately this is not always the case.

Period Proud is about:

  • Everyone in Wales being treated equally and with respect. No-one should be held back or stopped from reaching their goals because they have a period. 

Young People

In Flintshire all Primary and Secondary schools receive a portion of this funding to support their learners. Each school may spend their funds slightly differently, but they all have the same objective of providing free period products to be distributed in the most practical and dignified way possible.


The grant also supports our communities by providing free resources and support via key points of help, such as food banks, community support Hubs and Adult Community Learning Locations. Please follow the links below to identify a location near you:

Flintshire Food Banks Locations | Flintshire Foodbank

Community Support Hubs Locations Cost of Living Hub (

North East Wales Adult Community Learning North East Wales ACL ( / North East Wales ACL | Facebook

Youth Provision Flintshire Flintshire Youth Services / Youth Provision Flintshire | Mold | Facebook

Leisure Centres Leisure Centres - Aura Wales

Eco-Friendly Products

Along with Welsh Government, Flintshire County Council is committed to addressing the challenges posed by all kinds of plastic pollution. In line with existing Welsh Government environmental commitments, we hope to increase the percentage spend on eco-friendly period products each year with an aim to achieve a target of 90-100% of period products purchased through the grant being eco-friendly by 2025-2026. 

The scope of the target is in place to support a move away from single-use, plastic disposable options towards reusable and plastic free options whilst ensuring ongoing choice for users, accessibility alongside an important and positive environmental impact.

Reusable period products are washable products such as period pants, cloth pads and menstrual silicone cups which can be reused. These are the eco-friendly choice which do not contain plastic.

Disposable period products are single use products such as tampons, panty liners and sanitary towels. A pack of sanitary towels can contain up to 5 plastic bags. Increasing the uptake of reusable period products can help reduce waste and lessen landfill.

Keep Wales Tidy have produced a guide about how you can help to reduce waste. Another helpful interactive resource from Keep Wales Tidy is Busting the myths PERIOD.

Flintshire County Council Period Dignity Reports

Please find below links to reports providing Flintshire County Council Members with an overview of the current national position regarding period dignity and how grant funding benefits Flintshire schools and communities. For further information please visit Flintshire County Council – Council & Democracy Webpage.

FCC Period Dignity Report 2022

FCC Period Dignity Report 2024 

Further information

Period Proud Wales Action Plan

In February 2023 the Welsh Government outlined its approach to ensuring period dignity in Wales by publishing the Period Proud Wales Action Plan. The plan sets ambitions to eradicate period poverty and ensure period dignity for women, girls and people who have periods, by 2027.

Bloody Brilliant

Social Change UK created ‘Bloody Brilliant’ on behalf of NHS Wales and the Welsh Government to open up the conversation and provide information on period health, so generations of young people don't suffer in silence through fear of speaking out or lack of understanding around what's normal when it comes to periods.

Hwb – ‘Busting the myths – Period!’

An online learning resource to help teachers, and learners aged 11-16, to bust menstruation myths and taboos, look at the product choices available as well as the impacts of production and waste on our environment.

Although aimed primarily at secondary schools, the resources also includes information about sustainable alternatives to single use period products and the impact these can have on the environment which may also be of use to community groups.

The Menstrual Health Project

Provides practical support for those suffering with menstrual health concerns and conditions, through education tools and resources.