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Working in Cymru

Cymraeg is at the heart of our modern Welsh identity.

We can enjoy family life, education, work and leisure all through the medium of Cymraeg.

Why Cymraeg is Important

Welsh language services ensure that people’s needs are understood and met and that those who access services can rely on being treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

  • Offering a language of choice to your customer is good practice and shows respect for the customer and respect for Cymraeg.
  • It can help build a fantastic relationship with customers.
  • 17.8% of the population of Cymru speak Cymraeg.
  • 11.6% of the population of Flintshire speak Cymraeg. 

"The Welsh language – y Gymraeg – is integral to our culture, our heritage and our daily lives. It is part of our shared inheritance and identity as a nation”
Welsh Government 

Applying for Welsh Essential Jobs

The Welsh and English languages have equal status in public life in Cymru, and this means for some jobs communicating in Cymraeg will be essential.

Cymraeg essential jobs don’t always mean being able to speak every word in Cymraeg - it might mean being able to give a simple greeting or being able to have an everyday conversation in Cymraeg. 

Being able to write in Cymraeg may also be important for some jobs, but don’t let the thought of using, or improving your written or speaking skills put you off.

Whatever level Cymraeg is required lots of organisations provide employees with Welsh language training, support and opportunities to practice in the workplace.

Inspiration and Motivation

Inspiration and Motivation