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Your Rights and Cymraeg

We all have the right to use Cymraeg.

As Cymraeg speakers and learners, let’s make the most of our rights and choose the language. 

Cymru is a bilingual country, with both Cymraeg and English used routinely in our daily lives and workplaces. Y Gymraeg has official status in Cymru, which means Cymraeg is equal to English and people should be able to live their lives through the medium of Cymraeg. There is legislation in place to make sure this happens.

All public bodies must comply with Welsh Language Standards, these tell us what we must do in Cymraeg and are set out in a Compliance Notice.

Our Compliance Notice has five categories of Standards:

  • Service Delivery Standards – making sure we provide services through the medium of Cymraeg.
  • Policy Making Standards – making sure we consider the effect of our decisions on people's opportunities to use Cymraeg and on treating the y Gymraeg equal to English.
  • Operational Standards -  making sure our employees can use Cymraeg at work. 
  • Promotional Standards – increasing the number of people using Cymraeg and speaking Cymraeg in the County. Read our 5 year Welsh Language Promotion Strategy.
  • Record Keeping Standards – making sure we collate and record specific information and produce annual reports on how we have complied with the Standards.

If you would like to make a complaint about Flintshire County Council’s compliance with the Welsh Language Standards please use the Council’s Complaints procedure.